Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Storm is Brewing

I feel something as the clouds gather and the wind picks up. I can sense the storm in myself. It is not a bad thing. It does not hold destruction, instead it holds promise. It is the promise of the continuation of the new story which I put down not long after it began.

Externally, it is a preview of the rainy season. I don't particularly like the rainy season. I don't like the gray and the damp, but hurricanes and destruction aside, I admit to a fascination with a good thunderstorm. Lucky for me, that's what's coming. Movement, wind, sound, a light show and interesting and ever changing cloud formations.

Internally, it is a return to my own private wonderland.


Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

Hi Zoo Keeper,
Saw that you left a comment on our blog. Many thanks! Given your remark about hurricanes you must live in South Florida. We're in Wellington. Where are you?

Trish MacGregor

The Zoo Keeper said...

Hi, Trish! I'm in New Port Richey. It's a smallish town north of Clearwater on the west coast of the state. I'm so glad you stopped by the blog for a visit.

billie said...

I never knew you were from that area! Every year from the time I was born until I was in college, we went down at Easter for a week or two to visit my grandmother, who had a small 'cottage' in Clearwater that she and my grandfather built before I was born. They went down every winter and then she continued to go after he died, when she remarried, and even after her second husband died. I haven't been down there in a long time now, but New Port Richey is a very familiar name to me.

Hope the storm stirs up some good stuff for your writing.

Kahless said...

I like some storms too.
Storms cleanse eh.

billie said...

Found it! Still love these photos and hope you're doing well!